Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Walgreens Rumors....

A little birdie who knows stuff told me a week ago that Walgreens is having meetings to create a card, like CVS has. This would not be nice for us as coupon users. Right now, Walgreens has no way of tracking how many times we roll a money making deal over. We can get unlimited amounts (limited by stock of course) of whatever items we can roll over right now. If this card thing happens, it will be one deal per card. One big reason I rarely bother with CVS.
I wanted to just let everyone know. The deals are amazing right now, but usually, when something is great, it won't last long, so get these Walgreens deals while you can, as change is on the horizon!

When I first started couponing, Walgreens only did mail in rebates. Like, no online forms, you had to literally get a stamp and an envelope and mail it in. It was one offer per household, so you could never roll anything over like you can with these RRs.

Then they switched to all RR deals. This was nice, but you could never get your money back!

Now, they have a beautiful combination of both, RR and mail in rebates, so you can buy something, roll Register Rewards over, and over, and over, and then get an item with a Mail in Rebate, and get your money back... I love this system, I wish they would keep it forever!

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