Friday, August 14, 2015

My Latest Stock Pick

I am a long term investor. I research a stock very thoroughly before I buy. I will not post stock picks very often. I don't buy very often. I never sell either.

My buy right now is ARLP.

ARLP is currently priced at $24.71 a share.

I bought some yesterday at $24.44 a share.

I like this stock. This is a coal sector stock that has taken the same market beating that allof the other coal stocks are taking right now. All this talk about green energy, natural gas, power companies switching over, government fines for coal burning power generators... they have all taken an immense toll.

This stock is different. Their contracts are all very long term. They have a very stable economic basis, they are not very far in debt, they own their assets.

They also have historically paid $10 a year in dividends. The dividends haven't stopped just because the stock price is taking a beating.

Even better... the insiders in this company are spending a lot of money buying their own stock. they believe in their own company so much that they think it is worth buying stock in, and for me, that is a great indicator that they aren't planning to go under anytime soon.

So combine a low buy in with a stable long term dividend paying stock, and yeah, I bought some shares.

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